Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sympathy Prayers

It was brought to my attention today the Mike Lopez (Cafeteria Manager) has had a significant loss. His friend and mother of his children was killed in a car accident this week. I have a card in my office if you wish to send your prayers and wishes.


Teresa Curtis

TFab Manufacturing Superintendent

Phone: 746-7190

Cell: 444-4528


Friday, May 16, 2008

New Prayer Request


Teresa Curtis

TFab Manufacturing Superintendent

Phone: 746-7190

Cell: 444-4528


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

FW: CVI Meeting 5/28/08

FYI – Friend, the room was needed for a 2 day business event. Please note the change of location for the 5/28 meeting.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bunker, Frances
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11:44 AM
To: Curtis, Teresa
Subject: CVI Meeting


Hi Terry,


As we discussed, I have moved the CVI Meeting for Wednesday 5/28/08 from Fourier to Kirchoff from Noon to 1:30.  This is just for that day.


Thank you so much for letting us do this.



Monday, May 12, 2008

FW: Updated: Houston Diversity Initiative.doc



From: Smith, Kim-ITS
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 2:03 PM
To: Stetzler, Trudy; - TI Diversity Network Chair Contact List (May contain non-TIers)
Cc: Hwong, Kylie; Sherrell, Larry; Hodak, Jodi; Howard, Terry; Reuler-Finn, Melanie; Anirudhan, Jeanie
Subject: RE: Updated: Houston Diversity Initiative.doc

Trudy, great job on the Houston Diversity article on Infolink.   Everyone, look at our latest article on Infolink!


Kim Smith

214-567-0237 (office)
214-236-5439 (cell)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Prayer Request


Teresa Curtis

TFab Manufacturing Superintendent

Phone: 746-7190

Cell: 444-4528


Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 1 National Day of Prayer and Past, Present, Future Seminar May 22-24 at 7pm

I want to encourage us to remember to pray for our country and it's leaders today.
Then I thought some of you might be interested in the following events:
Subject: Past, Present, Future Seminar May 22-24 at 7pm

This event (seminar) is free to the public.   Check out   to find out more information.
If you are a Randy Travis fan, he is having a FREE Concert on May 22 at 7pm at the Tucson Covention Center Area. 
God Bless,




Express yourself wherever you are. Mobilize!