For those of you interested in listening to the forgiveness series and could not make our Monday meetings, feel free to catch up (or listen to them all on your own) by listening to Part one of four which we are studying in our meetings. If you think you will be here next week for part 2 listen to part one on your own at the link above, note that you will have to go back and load the March archives to see the first one (March 2009, Forgiving one another, part 1). It’s a powerful message and a powerful series. Forgiveness is one the hardest things our savior asks of us but he explains that as followers, we are to be Christ like and to be Christ like means forgiving others just as we are forgiven, over and over and over, true huh?
Call me if you have any questions.
Lisa Goldsmith
Analog Services Manager
5411 E. Williams Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85711-4493