Thursday, January 19, 2012

Re: Life of Moses

I have reserved the Cholla conference room from 11 am – 12 pm, Jan 31st,  to watch this web-x on the leadership of Moses, so you can mark your calendar if you are interested.

From: Lisa Goldsmith <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 12:37:06 -0700
To: Lisa Goldsmith <>, cvitucson Initiative <>
Subject: Re: Life of Moses

If anyone is interested in watching this together let me know and if we have enough people I will set up a conference room.

From: Lisa Goldsmith <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 19:32:20 +0000
To: cvitucson Initiative <>
Subject: Life of Moses

An upcoming brown bag that you might find interesting put on by both the TI CVI and Jewish initiatives regarding the life of Moses.

Re: Life of Moses

If anyone is interested in watching this together let me know and if we have enough people I will set up a conference room.

From: Lisa Goldsmith <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 19:32:20 +0000
To: cvitucson Initiative <>
Subject: Life of Moses

An upcoming brown bag that you might find interesting put on by both the TI CVI and Jewish initiatives regarding the life of Moses.

Life of Moses

An upcoming brown bag that you might find interesting put on by both the TI CVI and Jewish initiatives regarding the life of Moses.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lunch anyone?

Hi, as a team building effort, all the Tucson Initiatives (Asian. Women's, and Indian) are going out to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes, on Broadway just before Park Mall, Tuesday, Feb 21st at 11:30 and all of you are invited. This is not a company sponsored lunch so you will have to pay for it yourself (just wanted to make sure there were no misunderstandings about that). No need to RSVP, just put it on your calendar and show up, we will be there. 


Monday, January 16, 2012

Today's meeting in faith

Well it was what I would consider a "good" CVI meeting today, very inspirational and educational to which I will share with all of you what we got out of it.

What is Faith?

Faith is conviction of truth without tangible proof. The Bible says that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"

(Hebrews 11:1). To have faith is to believe God's Word before it comes to pass. The acronym for theword faith says it best: Forsaking All I Trust Him.

You also had to have trust and a relationship with God. It is imperative that we read the Word of God as often as possible because that is where we gain the "knowledge" to strengthen our faith in God, that is where we are spoken to and encouraged. It was interesting to find, when asked around the table, that most of us have middle of road faith. We all want to strengthen our faith but at this point in time we all recognize the need for improvement. We also share struggles, whether it's how to know when God is intervening in our lives or not or having the strength to follow our heart for God or our heart for the world. 

The topic of works came up again and I think we all agreed that faith without works is dead. We explored "intellectual" faith vs "saving" faith and again, agreed that the one with a higher degree of "saving" faith understood that the works we do are to please God and are a natural consequence of having that savings faith.

The comforting thing was seeing how we are all in the same boat in regards to our faith, we all have bouts of the doubts, empty "feelings" at times and negative thoughts, but all have a driving desire to gain a stronger faith, a better relationship with God, and want to know how to  get to the next level.

By gathering together, we strengthen one another, uncover those ways to get closer to God and gain a better understanding of what faith really means to each of us. Like I said, it was a good session.

We are going to participate in a 6 part series by Charles Stanley via In Touch Ministries,, and so far have listened to the first sermon, the second one is what is in store for our next meeting, so come and join us as we have just started this study. You can listen to the first and second on from the website to catch up or if you can't make the meetings, you will be blesses.

Have a great week and I will see you next week.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

FW: Fred Highton - a Celebration of his life.

Hi for those of you that were not on the list, here is an invite regarding Fred Highton's memorial service.


From: "Alvarez, Norma" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2012 15:19:09 +0000
To: " - TI Williams Center - North Bldg - 1st Floor - All" <>, " - All Tucson SCTech Group" <>, "Johnson, Alan-Tucson" <>
Subject: FW: Fred Highton - a Celebration of his life.



For those of you that knew Fred, please see below your invitation from Fred's family. I hope you can make it…


Some people have asked if they can help. I have a suggestion:


  1. Let's pick up the tab for Fred's celebration of life. I think that his would be a nice gesture from Fred's friends. I have seen Fred pick up the tab for us many times.

The funds raised would pay for food, drink, flowers, supplies etc. What is left over will go to Pat.


If you would like to make a donation, please contact Connie,  520-750-2115 and let her know.

Cash would be good, but if you would prefer to send a check, please make it payable to "Pat Highton". Please send to:

Connie Villanueva

Texas Instruments,

5411 East Williams Blvd.


AZ  85711-4493.



  1. Let's help prepare for the Fred's celebration of life.  We can do this by helping Pat by doing a sort of mini "Day's of Caring" at their home prior to the event, maybe on Sat Jan 14.

This would involve work like cleaning up the yard, setting up a walkway up the hill etc.


If you would like to help with this, please contact Alan at


It would be great if you would consider these suggestions. You know that Fred would have done the same for each and every one of us.



Alan Johnson




Monday, January 9, 2012

Video on Faith

For those of you who missed today's meeting, we watched a video on "A Saving Faith" by Dr. Charles Stanley. You can find this vide at the website above, if it is gone, scroll down to the bottom of the page and find it in the video archives. I would strongly recommend you check it out as it is a perfect intro to our new mini study on Faith. The amazing thing about this video is that I wanted to find something that could carry us over until next week when we will officially start and I just went out to this web site to see what was available and it just so happened that Dr Stanley preached this sermon just yesterday and is doing a several part series on Faith, it was just meant to be!!

For those of you that were here, there is just 5 more minutes left to view so you can do that as well.

Thanks and have a good week.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Faith Study

Hi, I would like to move out our faith study by a week so Todd and participate and he will still be on vacation on Monday. This gives everyone even more time to think about what faith means to them. I cant wait to share some of my insights, I scared myself! This Monday we will just continue in Romans or perhaps do a video or audio sermon.

 1 Peter 1:21
      Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.

      1 Peter 1:7
      These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

My faith is in you that you will take a few moments and consider your own faith, do you have what it takes? Is your faith strong enough or do we only need that mustard seed size to be ok and saved? Hmmmm?


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! Well one of my New Years resolutions is to draw closer to God, trust in him more, give more and work on becoming that Godly woman he always knew I could be, a tall order I know. We have to keep trying and working on bettering ourselves in every way possible, its called Sanctification, its a process for sure. 

With that in mind, I look forward to gathering together again on Mondays with all of you to re-new our faith and commitments to one another and to Him through our weekly CVI meetings at noon. We will start out this year with a diversion from our study in Romans with a study in Faith. Lets take the next few weeks, or as long as we are led, to talk about what Faith means to each of us. How do we exhibit Faith? Does Faith mean the same thing to each of us? Before our next meeting, next week, find a few scriptures in the Bible that defines Faith to you or just be mentally prepared with some commentary about Faith and it's definition to you, its harder than it sounds.

I look forward to our discussions and hearing the words of your heart, until then, God Bless and have a good week.
