Good day everyone,
I will be on time bank all of next week, hence we will need to cancel the meeting scheduled for the 20th. Please send me an update on your initiatives activities and plans for the remainder of the year. I will combine all of your inputs and send it out to the team.
Were you able to accomplish this year’s goal of increasing membership for your initiative?
o WIN – approximately 20% of women participate. Working on increasing participation.
o Indian initiative goal is to increase membership by 30%.
o CVI is working on increasing membership and participation from present members.
o Chinese will be working on increasing membership and participation.
I need to submit a projected budget for 2013. Let me know if you have any suggestions for the budget. Below you will find the approved budget for this year.
2012 Approved Budget:
$350 for an outreach program within the community which will include all initiatives.
$350 for team building exercise for all members.
$200 for quest speakers, brown bag luncheons.
$100 for miscellaneous expenses.
Please try to attend next month’s meeting which is scheduled for the 18th. Let me know ahead of time if you will be unable to attend.
· Review budget
· Goals for 2013
· Acknowledge accomplishments for 2012
· Challenges for 2013
Everyone have a pleasant Thanksgiving Holiday.
Best regards,
Robert Ewens
Customer Quality Engineer
Texas Instruments Inc.
5411 East Williams Boulevard
Tucson, AZ 85711-4493
(520) 750-2355 Desk
(520) 371-8357 Mobile
(520) 750-2655 Fax