Wednesday, August 6, 2008

FW: Meeting Change Notification for 'CVI by Evangeline 7966'

Not sure if there is a meeting today. but if so, it has been moved.

From: Boardman, Evangeline
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 11:23 AM
To: Goldsmith, Lisa; Beach, Eric; Curtis, Teresa
Subject: FW: Meeting Change Notification for 'CVI by Evangeline 7966'

I needed to relocate your CVI meeting today to accommodate a longer meeting needing space. 2A was available so I reserved that for you. Ampere is also available until 1:00 if you would prefer staying in the Conference Center area but it does have a meeting scheduled to begin at 1:00. Let me know if you would prefer I reserved Ampere for you.

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 9:18 AM
To: Boardman, Evangeline
Subject: Meeting Change Notification for 'CVI by Evangeline 7966'

Please do not respond to this message
It was automatically generated by MeetingRoom Manager

The following meeting was changed

Meeting Start: 8/6/2008 12:00:00 PM
Meeting End: 8/6/2008 1:30:00 PM
Meeting Title: CVI by Evangeline 7966
Meeting Room(s): 2A - Open
Location(s): TU-Building 2
Booked by:
Cost Center #:

Setup/Equipment Requirements:

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