Tuesday, January 6, 2009

FW: January Diversity Column

Thought you might be interested in this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Howard, Terry
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 7:52 AM
To: diversityteamleaders@list.ti.com - Leaders of Business Diversity Teams; diversitytips@list.ti.com - Distribution List for Diversity Tips (May contain non-TIers)
Subject: January Diversity Column



Happy New Year!


I start off the year with this piece (above link) on religion in the workplace, diversity’s “forgotten child.” Why? Because like the world we live in, there’s

incredible religious diversity at TI. Plus for many, it is religion that guides and influences their workplace interactions, and is what many rely on during

times of stress and uncertainty.


In addition – and I point this out in the column – “faith-friendly” workplaces are on the rise and TI is clearly at the forefront of the movement.


You may also be interested in knowing that I’ve heard from a number of TIers of different religious backgrounds (and some non-believers too) over the

years and their message is clear – not only do they feel affirmed and appreciate TI’s acknowledgement of religion as an aspect of diversity but, as important, the

opportunities we provide for others to learn and express different viewpoints about these differences as a way of fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace.


As always, your comments on this topic – as well as others that are near and dear to you – are welcome. I look forward to hearing from you in the days, weeks and

months ahead.




Terry Howard, Diversity & Inclusion Director



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