Thursday, December 8, 2011


Hi all. I wanted to get everyone on the same page regarding where we are in our study of Romans.

In our next meeting we will most likely work through Ch 4 and stop there until after the Christmas break.

Dec 12th we will meet for the last time this year.
Dec 19th No meeting
Dec 26th No meeting

Jan 2nd we will resume

If anyone was still interested in participating in feeding the homeless next Thursday and has not signed up drop me a line. The details are in an earlier note that I sent out at last week.

Talk to you soon.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

FW: Your Daily Devotional for December 7, 2011

From: In Touch Ministries <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 07:06:59 -0500
To: Lisa Goldsmith <>
Subject: Your Daily Devotional for December 7, 2011

December 7, 2011
Our Best Friend Is Jesus
John 15:9-17

Years ago the Sunday School teachers in my church would teach preschoolers a little chorus that included the line, "My best friend is Jesus." As those children grew into adulthood, they naturally put aside juvenile songs like this one. But sadly, they also frequently seemed to grow out of the idea of Jesus being a friend.

As believers learn more about God, they rightly elevate Him to be the Lord of their lives and acknowledge Him as sovereign ruler over all the earth. It is easier to think of One so high and mighty as Creator, Savior, and Lord than to "lower" Him to the position of Friend. But Jesus makes a point of telling His disciples that He is both a transcendent deity—the Son of God—and their companion (John 15:15).

The offer of friendship extends to modern disciples as well. Like the original twelve followers, we are privileged to say that Christ laid down His life for us in a supreme act of love and devotion (v. 13). What is more, His Spirit reveals the truth of Scripture to our hearts so that we can learn more about God and His ways. In other words, Jesus has made known to us the things He heard from His Father. A man doesn't tell secrets to slaves; he tells them to his friends (v. 15).

Teaching children to sing of their friendship with Jesus is a wise idea. But I wonder when some grown believers will learn to sing of that special relationship again? May we never become so religious, so pious, or so full of our own maturity that we will not say, "My best friend is Jesus Christ."

Gifts That Bless: 2011 In Touch Christmas Catalog


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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Initiative Out Reach ­ Feed the Hungry BBQ on December 15th

Out Reach – Feed the Hungry BBQ on December 15th, from 4-5pm

TI Tucson Initiatives will be sponsoring an Out Reach event this Dec 15th, we need your help to make this a successful event. 

Hi everyone. I look forward to a great Christmas Season don't you? Why not start it off with booking a day (only a few hours actually) to help others, that always makes one feel good and guess what? It won't cost you a dime! 

The few of us that spent this past Thanksgiving feeding the hungry proved to be quite a fulfilling and rewarding event. We have another opportunity to reach out again to the needy during this Christmas Season. We have a lot of extra food items from our past events here at TI,  we would like to donate those items to those that are hungry and on the streets of our Community. We will again work in conjunction with the Giving Tree as this is an organized, reoccurring event for them.

Basically we will be setting up our BBQ grill and grilling up hamburgers, hotdogs and chicken. We will also provide the buns and condiments. Below is a list of activities that are available,  let me know which activity you would like to do!

Preparing the "Fixins" Cutting the tomatoes, lettuce and onions
Setting up grill
Helping put the grill on and off the truck
Setting up tables at the "Giving Tree Feeding Lot"
Clean up and taking down the tables
Serving the food
If you can't come, send along a casserole, dessert or other food item

When: Thursday, Dec. 15th 2011
Where: The "Feeding Lot"
4431 East 22nd St. between the Family Dollar and Palm Court Apartments, E of Columbus
Time: 4 –5pm

Thursday, November 17, 2011


So with all of our latest discussions regarding good works I have an opportunity for each of you. This Thanksgiving a small group of Tiers are going to give up their normal dinner preparation time and serve the less fortunate at the feeding area with the Giving Tree. All of you are welcome to come, but if you can't you can still help out by providing a dessert to send over to go on the desert table. I will collect all dessert items on Wednesday and will take them down there on Thanksgiving. Its a really small request that each of us can do and it will go directly to the less fortunate (I promise not to eat the desserts myself, maybe). We need to gather enough desserts for 250 people. You will see another all employee e-mail go out but this is a special request to you guys, the givers, the doers of good works!

Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

FW: Recording Available for Mormon-Evangelical Dialog

This was presented in Dallas last week and was very interesting, for those of you who are interested in viewing you can check it out below.

From: "Dalley, Craig" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 10:50:21 -0700
Subject: Recording Available for Mormon-Evangelical Dialog

We have received multiple requests for a link to the recording of the Mormon-Evangelical Dialog that was held last Thursday at TI. The recording is now available at the following link:


Although we have received a lot of verbal feedback, we would also appreciate your written inputs. If you attended the session last week or if you listen to the recording, please take the time to send your responses to the below three questions to


1.      What did you like about the dialog?

2.      What did you not like / what did you think could be improved?

3.      If you're not already on the Christian Values Initiative mailing list, would you like to be added to the mailing list?


If you were not able to pick up the handout, "Some Guiding Principles for Constructive Conversation," these principles have been included in the attached Word document. And, finally, if you are interested in the book that Mormon scholar Dr. Millet and Evangelical pastor Rev. Johnson co-authored, it is available at


Best regards,

CVI Leadership Team

A festival of carols

Please let me know if you would like to attend, I can either collect the money and get all the tickets or you can purchase them on your own. This is a really nice event and great for family and friends. These go pretty fast so let me know.

Ok, we have time to plan on this one. I would like to suggest a CVI outing on Saturday Dec 10th at 5pm. at Christ Community Church, 7801 E. Kenyon Dr., Tucson, AZ 85710



December 9, 10 and 11 

Tickets: $6 for adults, $3 for children 10 and under

Friday, December 9 at 7:00p.m./Saturday, December 10 at 5:00p.m./Sunday, December 11 at 5:00p.m.

 Searching for the King is the story of two journeys separated by two millennia, yet the questions faced by our travelers are universal in time and scope.  For both, the way is difficult and filled with many unknowns.  Each journey leads them on the ultimate search...the search for the King.

Please indicate in the comment section your preference of seating and we will get you the best possible seats according to your selection

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fw: THIS THURSDAY: Presentation on Faith in the Workplace by John Pollard from DBU

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN
DESCRIPTION:Presented by: John D. Pollard\, Dallas Baptist University Corp
orate Liaison and Professor of Biblical Studies\n\n
cgi-bin/ \n Starting date: Thursday\, Augu
st 25\, 2011\n Starting time: 12:00 pm\, Central Daylight Time (Chicago
\, GMT-05:00)\n Duration: 1 hour\n Host's name: PRESENTER Session \n
Meeting number: 753 688 683\n Meeting password: None\n Audio conferenc
e: Meet-me On-Demand Codes\n Local: (972) 995-7777 or 1-877-561-6828 \n
Participant Code: 17227457\n\n1. YOUR PHONE WILL BE MUTED during this
event.\n2. Use CHAT to HOST to have your questions answered by presenter.\
n3. VoIP may be available so you can listen through your PC. The phone wi
ll have the best audio quality.\n4. Double-check meet-me number check the
pop-up window after joining this meeting!\n5. Non-US Phone # - http://Meet 6. Need Help? CHAT privately to HOST or msg titv-webex@list.ti.c
om with your call-back #.\n\n
LOCATION:South Campus Conferrence Rooms 3 & 4
SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:Brownbag presentation on Faith in the Workplace: "D
oin' what you can\, where you are\, with what you've got"
N">\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS Exchange Server ve
rsion 08.00.0681.000">\n<TITLE></TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<!-- Converted f
rom text/rtf format -->\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calib
ri">Presented by:&nbsp\;</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"> <FONT FACE="Cali
bri">John D. Pollard\, Dallas Baptist University Corporate Liaison and Pro
fessor of Biblical Studies</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-
us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"
=tidemo2"><SPAN LANG="en-us"><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" FACE="Consolas">http
SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></A><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Consolas
"> </FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Consola
s">&nbsp\;Starting date:&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;
Thursday\, August 25\, 2011</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="e
n-us"><FONT FACE="Consolas">&nbsp\;Starting time:&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nb
sp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; 12:00 pm\, Central Daylight Time (Chicago\, GMT-
05:00)</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Cons
olas">&nbsp\;Duration:&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\; 1 hour</FONT></SPAN></
P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Consolas">&nbsp\;Host's na
me:&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; PRESEN
TER Session </FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE
="Consolas">&nbsp\;Meeting number:&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbs
p\; 753 688 683</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT F
ACE="Consolas">&nbsp\;Meeting password: None</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=L
TR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Consolas">&nbsp\;Audio conference: Meet-
me On-Demand Codes</FONT></SPAN></P>\n<UL DIR=LTR><UL DIR=LTR><UL DIR=LTR>
<UL DIR=LTR>\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Consolas">Local: (
972) 995-7777 or 1-877-561-6828 </FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LAN
G="en-us"><FONT FACE="Consolas">Participant Code: 17227457</FONT></SPAN></
P>\n</UL></UL></UL></UL>\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></P>\n\n<P
ED during this event.</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><
FONT FACE="Consolas">2. Use CHAT to HOST to have your questions answered b
y presenter.</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE
="Consolas">3. VoIP may be available so you can listen through your PC.&nb
sp\; The phone will have the best audio quality.</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P D
IR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Consolas">4. Double-check meet-me nu
mber check the pop-up window after joining this meeting!</FONT></SPAN></P>
\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Consolas">5. Non-US Phone #
-</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"> </SPAN><A HREF=""><
SPAN LANG="en-us"><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" FACE="Consolas">http://MeetMe.t</FONT></U></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></A><SPAN LANG="en-us"><F
ONT FACE="Consolas"> 6. Need Help? CHAT privately to HOST or msg</FONT></S
PAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"> </SPAN><A HREF=""><SP
AN LANG="en-us"><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" FACE="Consolas">titv-webex@list.t</FONT></U></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></A><SPAN LANG="en-us"><F
ONT FACE="Consolas"> with your call-back #.</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LT
R><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></P>\n\n</BODY>\n</H
Hi everyone. If there is enough interest I will set up the web in a conf room. It is this thursday at 10:00 am. Let me know if you would like to view this as a group.
From: Dalley, Craig
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 11:00 PM
To: - Christian Values Initiative (May contain non-TIers)
Subject: THIS THURSDAY: Presentation on Faith in the Workplace by John Pollard from DBU

If you want to add an Outlook invitation for this event to your calendar, please just open the attached file and click "save and close".


If you are unable to attend in person, please note that Webex details are in the attachment.


From: Dalley, Craig
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 2:00 PM
To: - Christian Values Initiative (May contain non-TIers)
Subject: Mark Your Calendars: August 25 Presentation on Faith in the Workplace by John Pollard


Please join us for a brownbag presentation on applying faith in the workplace:


What: Doin' What You Can, Where You Are, with What You've Got

Who: John D. Pollard, Dallas Baptist University Corporate Liaison and Professor of Biblical Studies

When: Thursday August 25, noon – 1pm

Where: South Campus (Forest Lane) Conf Room 3 & 4 (glassed-in area on main spine just south of main cafeteria)




How can you bring your faith into the workplace?  You begin by viewing your abilities, resources, and position through the lens of Biblical truth. Your abilities, resources, and position are unique assets that God has invested in you.  God knows you better than you know yourself.  Why are you at work today?  God put you in that position to do what you can with what you have. 


When we meet together on August 25, we will begin by examining how God's see your job.  Then we'll discover how to move from making a living to impacting lives and from professing faith to expressing God's love, grace and truth.


Best regards,

CVI Leadership Team

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Prayer request

Requesting a prayer for my father who passed away yesterday.





Robert Ewens

Customer Quality Engineer

Texas Instruments Inc.

5411 East Williams Boulevard

Tucson, AZ 85711-4493

(520) 750-2355 Desk

(520) 371-8357 Mobile

(520) 750-2655 Fax



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Global Village Fair Volunteers

Just a reminder to every one, the Global Village Fair is this Friday.  Those of you who are volunteering please show up in the main break area at 11:00 am.




Thursday, April 14, 2011

Monday's meeting



The CVI meeting scheduled for Monday the 18th has been canceled.  Sorry for the short notice.  We will start up again on the 25th.






Robert Ewens

Design Circuit Edit Engineer

Texas Instruments Inc.

5411 East Williams Boulevard  MS 5034

TucsonAZ 85711-4493

(520) 750-2355


Edit "Rules of Thumb" for FIB success and speedy turnaround.

1) Submit decap (exposed die) devices only.

2) Remove die coat prior to submittal.

3) Keep the number of operations as small as possible.

4) Trace the net to the highest level in the metal stack that will be electrically equivalent.

5) Avoid having metal layers above the site.

6) If possible keep straps “jumpers” less than 50um in length. 


Monday, April 11, 2011

Card at my desk

Hello all!


I have a card for anyone who wishes to sign for Pete Rathfelder.  His mother passed away last week.





Robert Ewens

Design Circuit Edit Engineer

Texas Instruments Inc.

5411 East Williams Boulevard  MS 5034

TucsonAZ 85711-4493

(520) 750-2355


Edit "Rules of Thumb" for FIB success and speedy turnaround.

1) Submit decap (exposed die) devices only.

2) Remove die coat prior to submittal.

3) Keep the number of operations as small as possible.

4) Trace the net to the highest level in the metal stack that will be electrically equivalent.

5) Avoid having metal layers above the site.

6) If possible keep straps “jumpers” less than 50um in length.