Thursday, April 14, 2011

Monday's meeting



The CVI meeting scheduled for Monday the 18th has been canceled.  Sorry for the short notice.  We will start up again on the 25th.






Robert Ewens

Design Circuit Edit Engineer

Texas Instruments Inc.

5411 East Williams Boulevard  MS 5034

TucsonAZ 85711-4493

(520) 750-2355


Edit "Rules of Thumb" for FIB success and speedy turnaround.

1) Submit decap (exposed die) devices only.

2) Remove die coat prior to submittal.

3) Keep the number of operations as small as possible.

4) Trace the net to the highest level in the metal stack that will be electrically equivalent.

5) Avoid having metal layers above the site.

6) If possible keep straps “jumpers” less than 50um in length. 


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