Tuesday, March 11, 2008

FW: March Diversity & Inclusion column



From: Howard, Terry
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 8:23 AM
To: diversitytips@list.ti.com - Distribution List for Diversity Tips (May contain non-TIers)
Subject: March Diversity & Inclusion column



I assert the following: there are few sounds as sweet as the sound of our names...pronounced correctly! Now the other (and sometimes

thorny) side of that assertion is the following: some names are just plain difficult to pronounce, period!


Hey, if pronouncing difficult names is pretty much a no-brainer for you, terrific. Hooray. I envy you. I salute you. I owe you a cup of coffee. I want you to feel free to skip this message and go on to more important things. But if pronouncing names correctly does sometimes pose a challenge for you, read on.......




Terry Howard, Diversity & Inclusion Director


"Facilitating the business of inclusion!"

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